The former Real School


The establishment of a secondary school at Żeromski street was an initiative of Henryk Dietel, who, apart from palaces built for his own family, also founded working-class housing estates, sacral buildings and education facilities. This former secondary school building (presently the seat of the Faculty of Technology and Material Sciences of the University of Silesia) was constructed in the years 1895-1898 in northern neo-renaissance style according to a design by Antoni Jasieńczyk- Jabłoński. One year before the construction works were finished a garden had been arranged in the proximity of the building. With the approval of the Railway Directorate, Henryk Dietel also organized transport services by a special train for the group of students who had to commute.

The former Secondary School building is a precious monument, taking into consideration not only its architectural aspects and lavish interior decor, but also its historical value associated with the history of Sosnowiec and the story of Henryk Dietel's life, who rendered great services to the city of Sosnowiec.

The original layout of the rooms has been preserved inside the building. A particular attention should be given to a hall, richly ornamented with stucco and painting decorations.

  • 12
  • Marto 2025Merkredo
Name day: Bernard, Józefina, Grzegorz, Blizbor, Piotr
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