St. Thomas the Apostle Church

The neo-gothic St. Thomas the Apostole Church in Sosnowiec Pogoń was built in the years 1904-1911 according to a design by the architect Józef Pomian – Pomianowski. The Latin-cross church is built of brick and has an extended presbyterial section. It is a three-aisle, basilican building with two modern, openwork towers in the facade, which are dominant elements of the varied mass of the building. Since 2004 two towers designed by Ewa and Tomasz Taczewski have been added.


The church furnishing has been added successively, however the neo-gothic style elements clearly dominate. The church interior is ornamented with a woodcarved high altar, which displays many features of the art deco style and which is situated in the intersection of the nave and the transept.

  • 12
  • Marto 2025Merkredo
Name day: Bernard, Józefina, Grzegorz, Blizbor, Piotr
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  • 16oCNow
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