St. Joachim Church


The older part of the church dates back to 1848 and it was founded by Jadwiga Mieroszewka, the then owner of Zagórze. This Neo-Gothic church built in the neighbourhood of a manor house, was designed by the Cracow well-known architects Stanisław Gołębiowski and Tomasz Majewski.

Towards the end of the 19th century the church was no longer able to accommodate the fast-growing population of the Zagórze parish. Since it was not possible to build a new church because of a tsarist ban, a decision was made to extend the already existing church. As a result of the reconstruction works conducted from 1893 to 1908 the old part of the church is today a vestibule.

This Neo-Gothic church of enormous dimensions was designed by Józef Pomian Pomianowski who was also the author of two other churches in Sosnowiec. From the viewpoint of the history of architectural conservation, this church is an interesting example of respecting older architecture, as it presents an amazing complex consisting of the old (plastered part) and new (brick elevation on a stone pedestal) church in the form of Early Gothic architecture. The woodcarving interior decor is mainly the work of Turbas, whereas the author of the Neo-Gothic high altar is the sculptor Przesmyski.

  • 12
  • March 2025Wednesday
Name day: Bernard, Józefina, Grzegorz, Blizbor, Piotr
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