Blessed Virgin Mary Immaculate Conception Parish Church


The construction works on this neo-gothic church commenced in 1905, under the project of the architect Stefan Szyller. The whole investment, disrupted by successive wars and problems arising from its location in the proximity of the river, was finished only in 1952. During the construction works the architect Wiesław Kononowicz prepared a new, relatively reduced (compared to the original one) project to complete the construction. However, even that project hasn't been fully implemented.


Presently it is a basilician, three-aisle church with a transept built on the Latin Cross plan.
The presbytery was built around 1901 as the local brewery tawern. In 1903 after the building had been handed over for sacral purposes, it was adopted to serve as a presbytery. The building has distinguishing features of English architecture of „cottage” type houses. The valuable part of the building is a beautiful, wooden, openwork terrace net, which is richly decorated with woodcarving elements. The author of the project remains unknown.


The Chapel
The chapel was built around 1900. Originally the building functioned as a beer cellar. From 1904 to the 80s of the 20th century it functioned as a substitute chapel, in which church services and Mass celebrations were held during the many year-long building process of the new church. The authors of the original project and later reconstructions are unknown. Significant reconstruction works were conducted in the last twenty years of the 20th century, when the building was adopted to serve the purpose of religious education rooms and accommodation for nuns. The small openwork, steel construction turret is all that remains of the chapel. As a result of successive modernizations, the interiors have been deprived of the original decoration elements.

  • 16
  • June 2024Sunday
Name day: Benon, Cyryk, Ludgarda, Aneta, Budzimir
Weather forecast:
  • 18oCNow
  • 25oCTomorrow
  • 27oCDay after tomorrow